1-1/4 oz Lil PThe Lil P, is our smallest Pencil Popper weighing in at 1-1/4 ounces. Over the years we've been asked to apply the Guppy formula to a small Pencil and late in the season of 2012 we set out to do it. There are many challenges in making a smaller Pencil because we have less wood to offset the added weight and the weight of the hardware. After several prototype configurations we arrived at what we believe is one of the best small Pencils on the market today. This Pencil features a round bottom and has an action similar to our 2 oz Round Mini. The plug still maintains the action and casting trajectory that we strive for here at Guppy Lures and is a perfect choice for backwater bass, or even in calm to moderate surf conditions when the fish are keyed on small baits like finger mullet, spearing, sardines, silversides, tinkers, peanuts and even rain bait.