P2 PopperThe P2 Popper is our version of the "little neck" or "polaris-style" popper. Given that so many of the baitfish species available to inshore predatory fish are long and narrow (mackerel, squid, Atlantic herring, mullet, etc) we chose to make our popping plug longer and thinner while staying true to the Guppy reputation. The result was a long casting popper with a thin profile and a splashy pop. The fact that this popper floats means that it can be worked a wide variety of speeds and can even be paused during the retrieve. The thinner profile also helps it work against current with less resistance, making it a great choice for popping in rivers, rips or the Cape Cod Canal. The P2 is built to the same standard of quality and action you'll find in all of our other products.
Other colors can be special ordered.